A3 brings together the wine, beer and spirits agencies
to allow Quebecers to enjoy a wide variety of quality products from around the world at a fair price.
of sales in $ at the SAQ
of private import sales
in sales at the SAQ
Agents, crops to glass
Because they know the market and how it works, agents are essential players in the SAQ's work. They advise the producers they represent to access and develop the Quebec market.

Directory of members
A3 has more than 80 wine, beer and spirits agencies and about 20 affiliated members. Are you looking for the contact information of a member agency?
Need an agent?
Are you a wine, beer and/or spirits producer looking for an agent to represent you with the SAQ in Quebec?
12 February 2024
Montréal, 12 février 2024 – A3 accueille favorablement la décision de la Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) de donner une plus grande flexibilité au processus d’ajustement des prix des produits vendus en succursale. Cette avancée positive démontre le bien-fondé […]
15 June 2023
Montréal, 15 juin 2023 – Nomination du nouveau président et chef de la direction de la SAQ : Déclaration d’A3 Québec A3 Québec salue la nomination du nouveau président et chef de la direction de la SAQ, M. Jacques Farcy, qui […]
A3 organizes various events for industry professionals and Quebec consumers to highlight the diversity of its members and the different product universes they represent.

La Grande Dégustation de Montréal
From November 6 to 8, 2025 at the Grand Quay of the Port of Montreal.

Cartes sur table
The tasting event for the restaurant industry.

Media tastings and A3 test benches
Reserved for trade press.
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